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Social Care Direct Payments & Personal BudgetsView all services

Personalisation is at the heart of supporting children and young people with Special Educational Needs and Disability (“SEND”) and seeks to put children, young people and their families at the centre of the Education, Health and Care planning process.

Personalisation in Liverpool is about:-

  • Adopting person-centred approaches where children with SEND and their families are put at the centre of processes, enabling them to express their views, wishes and feelings and participate in decision making; 
  • Personalising the support that families receive by working holistically in partnership with services across education, health and social care; 
  • Providing advice and support, when families need additional help with exercising choice and control to meet the agreed outcomes;
  • The option of a personal budget where appropriate.

Personal Budgets are just one way in which Liverpool City Council supports children and young people with SEND.

Other support is also available through:

Community Wealth

Many families and communities have community wealth. This is when community groups, volunteers, friends, neighbours and family can offer support using their skills, knowledge and experience outside traditional statutory services.

Universal Services

Children and young people can access many activities and services that are available locally to everyone in the community. Universal Services include schools, leisure centres, cinemas, libraries, GPs and dentists.

Targeted Services

Some children and young people with SEND may use targeted services. Targeted services may include support from teachers within the Sensory Service or access to Short Breaks provision. Children and young people with health needs may have support from specialist nurses or other health professionals.